Are political “Sanctions” just another tool of “Insider Trading” and bolstering of ‘favored’ monopolies under the guise of ‘National Security’?

Imagine if you knew well ahead of time that the President would pass some far-reaching “Sanctions”, since after all you are the one driving/pushing these sanctions, for the President certainly didn’t wake up all the sudden with tremendous stress at the intricate possible economic and technological advancements of other companies in other countries, and decide he ‘must’ curtail that. Somebody obviously did that thinking for him, why is it we are ‘never’ told who that was? Are sanctions ordered through the grapevine?

Now let’s skip to how might you invest your millions (or billions) of dollars if you knew that all the sudden you’ll have bolstered a certain company to have worldwide dominance due to the sanctions you got passed? We could of course name some names of companies in various countries, sanctions impacting them, and the companies that gain tremendously from those very sanctions. Gains that would have been very obvious, to the point you may say that for a time the gains would be “guaranteed”. In this light, aren’t sanctions a wonderful tool for “Insider Trading”? Aren’t they a ‘wonderful’ way to bolster your favorite ‘would-be’ monopoly?

The added irony of many sanctions is not only that they hurt the average citizen in the US, either directly or indirectly, especially the US consumer, but most of the time the companies they favor/bolster, do not manufacture their products in the USA either. So its not in the interest of the US consumer or US economy, but mostly in the interest of those who were pushing for sanctions.